Tag Archives: business

Start Your Own Photography Business

When you are a kid and thinking about the many ways you can make a living when you grow up, what is the advice your elders always gave you? It was, “Do what you love to do and you will always be happy.” And that has to be true because if you can spend your work week doing what you love the most, it really won’t be work as much as it will be play that people pay you to do.

So if your passion is photography, it makes sense to start your own photography business. But how to go about it? You see so many small photography shops that seem to spring up from nowhere. What is the Continue reading Start Your Own Photography Business

Starting a Home Business In Photography

A home photography business doesn’t necessarily require formal photography training. What it does require is a passion for photographic art, an artistic flair, the technical skills to operate the equipment and the ability to market the business.

Someone who is still in high school or college can start out preparing for a home photography business by taking photos for the yearbook or the student newspaper. A basic photography course would be very helpful as well. Nowadays it’s good to know how to operate both a 33 mm and a digital camera. Local community colleges often have very reasonably Continue reading Starting a Home Business In Photography

Photography – From Hobby To Your Very Own Business

That’s right. Who could say that there’s no chance that your hobby could also be the foundation of your first business venture? There are a lot of people out there who are in need of a good photographer to capture images of their son’s wedding, their daughter’s graduation or their very own wedding. Why couldn’t you be the one to supply your photography services to their needs?

For the transition of photography from hobby to your very own business, there are several tasks that you have to accomplish first.

Market Your Photography Skills “Sell yourself, in other words! ” Let Continue reading Photography — From Hobby To Your Very Own Business

Photography Business

The very first thing to do if you want to make money from your photographs is learn how to create great images. In the world of fashion photography – sharpness sells. The subject of how to take a great image is too complex for this article, however the following points are important:

* Have a good camera with manual controls.
* Know how to use it and use it well.
* Have a good eye for detail, composition and color.
* Always be ready to grab an opportunity when it presents itself.

If you happen to be driving through amazing Canadian roads and come across a deer (or a bunch of them), get your camera! Watch for sunsets, moonrise, cloud formations and tree shapes. Keep a sharp eye on your pets for weird and funny poses. Visit flower shops and exhibitions. Flower pictures are many photographers bread and butter and they can Continue reading Photography Business

Do You Want To Start A Photography Business

If you enjoy taking pictures what could be more thrilling than doing it for a living? Just think of how wonderful it could be to be a paid invite to hundreds of weddings and parties a year, to capture joyful family memories that will last a lifetime everyday, to watch children grow up, or even to just to experience others smile everyday of your career. With photography you can do just that. And what is great about the photography industry is there’s more than enough work for the freelance/work-at-home photographer.

To get started you need to get the right equipment. This will require you to decide exactly how far you want to take your business. If have a room Continue reading Do You Want To Start A Photography Business